
Collection in numbers

Number of stamps in collection: 583

Number of unique stamps in collection: 518

Number of sheets in collection: 131

Countries: 28

Number of stamps from each country:

Chad: 101
USA: 84
Madagascar: 55
St. Vincent and the Grenadines: 51
Russia: 40
UK: 39
Guyana: 31
Tongo: 28
Canada: 26
Antigua & Barbuda: 13
Palau: 12
Grenada: 11
Australia: 10
Central African Republic: 10
Congo: 10
Liberia: 10
Gambia: 9
Maldives: 8
Tanzania: 8
Tuvalu: 7
Ghana: 6
Micronesia: 6
Benin: 4
Kyrgyzstan: 2
St Kitts and Nevis: 2
Tadjikistan: 1
Mali: 1
Comoros: 1

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